Your team’s ability to perform under pressure is what wins and loses championships long before kick off.
The Problem
You can train an athlete and team to be brilliant, but their nervous system will react exactly how it wants — the same way — every time it comes under pressure.
You have to train the nervous system very specifically to react differently.
The Luck Bubble process applies a controlled stress to the athletes and the team as a whole, to highlight their particular default response under pressure. Only then can we improve their ability to perform their best work, comfortably under stress.
This is where Champions are forged.
For Athletes: We improve their “Performance Character” - not just in the game, but in their lives.
For Teams: We improve the “Performance Culture” by increasing the sum Performance Character of the players and staff.
For Organizations: We create a “Performance Culture Loop” where the status quo at the club becomes so instilled, that new players and staff can’t help but borrow character from the organization, until they can add to it with the development of their own. Thus, this adds to the momentum of the club’s Culture Loop over time.
This is the phenomena that we see in dynastic teams with a legacy of winning that I dare say you would enjoy creating.
This is a trainable dynamic that I can show you.
The Solution
In an interactive on-field training session that will leave your team buzzing with excitement, wanting more, and brimming with inspiration.
One of the world's foremost experts in the concept of good fortune and the machinations of cause and effect that produce it.
Kirk will share his strategies and secrets from his twenty years at the feet of masters, warriors, physicists, and medicos in his obsession with the concept of good fortune and will show you how easy it is to change your teams perspective, culture and experience of life.
Not only taking your whole team on a captivating and thought provoking journey, but actually giving your players and staff a visceral experience into the realm of the unexplainable with simple exercises that defy logic and inspire beyond what words can articulate here.
He will also give his top tips to improve peak performance, flow state, relationships, stress management, health, and wellbeing.
Click the link below and book your enquiry call with Kirk today!
Common Results & By-Products
The fabric of the organization strengthens.
The team ethos and standards become self-regulating.
Cancers are exposed and ejected.
Coaches’ jobs become easier and more enjoyable.
Players & teams within teams, have a roadmap to their particular “zone of flow” on tap.
A greater team dynamic with less off-field drama
A palpable shift in: morale, professionalism, discipline, courage, responsibility, effort, sensory acuity, self awareness, injury reduction, and talent maximization.
Most importantly, the athletes have an experience of the character required to perform at their best on the field and in life.
Ready to change your team's dynamic forever?
Click below and we'll set up your initial call with Kirk.
Anatomy of a Possible Session
PRE: 30-minute briefing with all coaching staff into what will invariably happen for the athletes in the session to follow.
SESSION 1ST HALF: Hands-on training session. Athletes are safely pushed physically, mentally and emotionally using elite military, and psychological tactics in order to illicit a stress response from their nervous system. This will glaringly reveal where the cracks are in the players, team and the organization as a whole.
SESSION 2ND HALF: An experience of multidimensional awareness that has all players in a state of flow and synchronization with each other like never before.
POST: Translation of what the coaching staff have witnessed into leverage that can create momentum; session after session, week in and week out, season after season.
FOLLOW UP: This is the time where the cancers tend to eject themselves out of the organization and results begin to flow. It is often the greatest possible outcome of the sessions for all involved.
The Offer
Universal in it’s wisdom and application.
The Luck Bubble ethos is best specifically tailored to you and your team.
But what is the outcome you want and the problems you percieve?
Book a complimentary call with Kirk to use his skills to tune into what serves the highest good for you and team. He won’t be telling you anything…It will just be obvious to you both.
If it can work for the toughest warriors on the planet in life-and-death situations… then the chances it could work in whatever realm your organisation is in, are pretty high.
What Customers Say
Eden Britton
Former NFL
Kirk Westwood is a true master of intuition. His ability to tap into the core of his clients' functioning mechanisms is unparalleled.
Canyon Cemen
Kirk has a profound understanding of the dynamics that have an organization winning or losing a long time before they play.
Jeff Dioron
Chief Experience Officer
A Master with a gift. Kirk has an uncanny way of seeing the obvious before it's obvious to anyone else. The way it plays out is almost like he's narrating a movie.
Kirk is so confident in the impact his Elite Teams Trainng can have on your organisation that he's offering a money-back guarantee if you are not blown-away with what they learn, feel and walk away with.
But don't just take our word for it
Click the link below to book your FREE Clarity Call with Kirk, valued at $2,500!
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